Set Your Own Style with Stylish Canvas Backpack Kits

RichardAdoms2 размерRichardAdoms см

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Сексуальные предпочтения: Игрушки

Что возбуждает: Переодевание в женскую/мужскую одежду

О себе

ones book second half's book bag and a travel-friendly selection for the enthusiastic readership. For the bookworm who absorbs fiction and values the authored statement, the book spouse's backpack is your very own getaway, a portable selection that allows individuals to carry your very own love for checking wherever individuals go. Visualize settling down in a cozy area of your favorite coffee shop, the pack tucked alongside you, its adjustable room showing a meticulously curated selection of the cherished books. Picture yourself reclining on a sandy park with the marine waves crashing melodically in the background, the book bag weather resistant cloth safeguarding your very own beloved books from the details. This getaway for book lovers features a specific pocket lined with plush, padding cloth, giving soft care for your cherished hardcovers and softcovers. Internal mesh openings provide practical space for favorites, checking glasses, & a heavily used journal for jotting down ideas & formal motives. Enjoy the pleasure of reading anytime, anywhere the book second half's back pack is your key to a world of articles, guaranteeing your very own afterwards literary event is constantly inside range. 7ead93a


Телосложение: полные/пышные

Ориентация: гомо

Пол: женщина

Вредные привычки: пью, курю

Место встречи: нет места

Семейное положение: да, живем порознь

Цвет волос: Блондинка

Стоимость: 51189 руб./час

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